For years I have successfully resisted, despite numerous requests
from stars of stage and screen, to set up this blog. Now that I find myself
in Sarah Palin’s famed “grandma’s basement” with nothing but a laptop and the
feeble hope that one day someone will employ me in a role that does not require
me to mop a floor at 4am and/or drink vast quantities of alcohol, I will strive
to dedicate my precious time to this here blog, bringing you (whoever you may
be!) the new, the old, the best and most certainly the worst of the magnificent
seventh art…comment, agree, disagree, suggest, encourage, correct, flex your
knowledge of Viz’s ‘Das Krapital’ and even fully insult me if you must! But I'd rather you didn't because I bear grudges in the way that some people enjoy playing tennis. So, let us begin...
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